The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

Connecting the Website and the Forums
(07-31-2020, 12:58 AM)extherian Wrote: I've considered attempting to update some of this older material, but in some cases I'd have to update multiple articles simultaneously. For example, the Restored Ambi Limis isn't the only polity in the Perseus Rift; there's 1513, the Celerin Volume, the Ulysses Network, the Hyperionites, The Blackbody Cluster, and Sweetlight. How can I write about the relationship between the Restored Ambi Limis and its neighbours when I'd have to write these neighbours from scratch as well?

Perhaps this is unrelated to how many contributors we have. But the pulpy sci-fi vibe that M. Alan Kazlev used to depict the setting is considered non-canon by the community, and yet no one seems interested in replacing the many articles that he used to push this perspective.
I also find that multiple articles have to be rewritten to keep the entire site up to date with new canon. You would not believe how many articles I've had to revise to conform with the new statistical thinking on Garden Worlds (it has taken weeks and is still ongoing). The Celerin Volume, the Ulysses Network, the Hyperionites, The Blackbody Cluster, 1513 and Sweetlight are all blank slates at the moment, open for re-interpretation.

I'd like to keep some of the pulpy elements, but also upgrade them to be more in line with our current thinking. Imagine that Alan and Anders were describing the OA universe to a baseline audience, emphasising those elements they might sympathise with; we need to try to upgrade that to a more realistic viewpoint.

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RE: Connecting the Website and the Forums - by stevebowers - 07-31-2020, 07:31 PM

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