The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

Could a gamma ray burst destroy life on Earth?
Anders Sandberg looked at this question a few years ago.
His rather basic analysis of the problem indicates that there is a risk, but it is fare from uniform all over the galaxy, and isn't even 100% in the galactic centre.
[Image: probhit.png]

Mapping this onto the densities of stars in the galaxy shows that there is a cluster of (probably) unaffected stars in the Galactic Habitable Zone near the plane, which is where we are.
[Image: unafected.png]
This does mean that any civilisation near the Galactic Hub probably migrated there, or it must somehow have evolved to be highly resistant to radiation events.

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RE: Could a gamma ray burst destroy life on Earth? - by stevebowers - 08-05-2018, 07:36 PM

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