03-07-2017, 09:50 PM
Typo on my part got copied:
Approx. 200000 b.c.e. -- Emergence of Homo Sapiens
Approx. 170000 b.c.e. -- Homo Sapiens developed clothing
should be
Approx. 200000 b.c.e. - Emergence of Homo Sapiens
Approx. 170000 b.c.e. - Homo Sapiens developed clothing
Approx. 200000 b.c.e. -- Emergence of Homo Sapiens
Approx. 170000 b.c.e. -- Homo Sapiens developed clothing
should be
Approx. 200000 b.c.e. - Emergence of Homo Sapiens
Approx. 170000 b.c.e. - Homo Sapiens developed clothing