12-05-2016, 12:38 PM
Hello all,
A former co-worker passed this on to me, thinking that some folks here might be interested in taking a whack at it.
Here's what she passed on to me:
If you're a budding science fiction writer, the Army's Mad Scientist Initiative wants to hear from you. The Initiative is the official name of a program under the intelligence section at Training & Doctrine Command, based at Fort Eustis. It seeks input from groups outside the military and defense industry on how evolving trends will shape the Amry's ability to win future wars and defend the country in the timeframe of 2030 - 2050. The contest runs through February 15.
Complete the release form and read the contest brochure, which describes the format of submissions, at LINK. Email your work to Allison WIner at allison.d.winer.civ@mail.mil
Have fun
A former co-worker passed this on to me, thinking that some folks here might be interested in taking a whack at it.
Here's what she passed on to me:
If you're a budding science fiction writer, the Army's Mad Scientist Initiative wants to hear from you. The Initiative is the official name of a program under the intelligence section at Training & Doctrine Command, based at Fort Eustis. It seeks input from groups outside the military and defense industry on how evolving trends will shape the Amry's ability to win future wars and defend the country in the timeframe of 2030 - 2050. The contest runs through February 15.
Complete the release form and read the contest brochure, which describes the format of submissions, at LINK. Email your work to Allison WIner at allison.d.winer.civ@mail.mil
Have fun