The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

Is there any possibility for new planets in future?
I think there is; it would be very difficult, but using an array of potential future technologies, building artificial planets in a finite time should be possible. We have made a very small one already - the ISS is a self-contained habitable structure, more of a moon than a planet, but it is on the small end of what is possible.

Making a planet-sized object should be do-able, assuming we can master self-replicating technology, asteroid-mining or better still star-mining, and orbital ring technology for cooling and delivery of material and for support where necessary. Given all these things it should be possible to build planets in a range of different sizes. Most of these technologies are described in more detail in Paul Birch's articles, collected here

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RE: Is there any possibility for new planets in future? - by stevebowers - 08-13-2016, 01:33 AM

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