The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

Paper: "The Psychological Dispositions of Self-Identified Libertarians"
Transapient politics and morality could be much more complex than the modosophonts in OA society imagine. The main problems on any given S6's plate will be how to deal with all those fantastically complex S:5s in its hierarchy, who will in turn have trouble dealing with the S:4s, and so on; the politics and dissent of a few trillion or quadrillion modos will be relatively simple compared to this. But of course the modos won't be aware of these problems.

The modos might organise themselves into libertarian or communistic utopias, but only the most cynical of them will be aware that these political structures are just a small part of the complex system used by the archailects to keep Sephirotic civilisation under control.

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RE: Paper: "The Psychological Dispositions of Self-Identified Libertarians" - by stevebowers - 06-23-2015, 04:00 PM

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