08-15-2020, 10:51 PM
(08-15-2020, 08:20 PM)MacGregor Wrote: Todd,
What emphasis, if any, are we putting on consolidating topics? Is there a rough number we are trying to get down to?
So - to answer your earlier question first:
I'm not against consolidating/reducing the number of Topics on general principles as long as it's done cautiously. Which is to say - Topics, by their nature, have a lot of dependencies in the form of 'higher level' Topics above them in the topic tree and 'lower level' Topics that spin off from them. As well as all the associated articles linked all over the place.
We've never actually tried to remove a Topic since the current CMS based EG was created. I'm sure it's not that difficult in absolute terms, but I would really prefer to not break anything while trying to pull a particular block out the Jenga tower as it were.
So - certainly something we can consider on a case by case basis, but if/when we decide to actually do it, please let's follow a 'measure twice, cut once' approach.
If you haven't seen it already btw, I'd suggest taking a look at the Topic Tree on the CMS - it's handy for seeing the 'big picture' and will likely play a central role if/when we reach the point of remove/consolidating Topics. Recently Trond and I had a brief conversation about possibly making the Tree or something like it a site map for the website, or at least the EG portion. Something to think about later.
Re your immediate question - I haven't been thinking of this project in terms of consolidating the number of Topics, so don't have any goal in mind in this area. If you have some Topics in mind that you feel need consolidation already - or you come across some in the course of this project - please share and we can discuss.
On a related note - and since talking about goals reminded me that I should probably write some down...

Goals for this project:
Review the content of all EG Topics and update as necessary to:
a) Bring the Topics into line with our current vision and Canon for the OA setting.
b) Correct any errors, typos, grammar issues, etc.
c) Reduce the number of Topics via consolidation or removal if/when that is deemed desirable on a case by case basis.
d) Better organize the information presented in the Topics and create a more coherent and consistent vision of the OA setting within that Topic area (e.g., History).
That's what comes to mind for now. If anyone has additional suggestions in this area, please make them.
Also - I agree with your suggestion that we should start with some smaller Topics to get in some practice and possibly develop a process or best practices before we take on something huge like the History Topics.
Also Also - I talked with Trond and he was able to provide me with a spreadsheet list of all the articles in the EG that are marked as 'minor' - that is to say when seen in a list of articles, the entire article text is there rather than being accessed via clicking the title of the article. I've copied the list into the Stub Hunting tab on the project spreadsheet. I hoping this will be helpful to those members who are looking to do some Stub Hunting. If Stub Hunting is something you would be interested in helping out with, please PM me and I'll give you editing privileges on the spreadsheet.
Ok - I think that covers things for now. In terms of what Topics we should attack first - do you have any suggestions or should I just go hunt one of the smaller ones down and we can have at it?