The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

Just signed up
Hellllo Orion's Arm!
Dodgy The problem?
The ignorant and the bigoted are full of confidence and determination,
The educated and the wise are full of doubt and indifference.
Hi there! Welcome to OA! Smile We're moderately informal around here. If you want to take part in any discussions, please feel free to do so. If you have any questions or concerns, please post them in the relevant thread or use the Contact Us links on the website, or contact an admin directly (whatever works best for you).

Otherwise, welcome aboard, and have fun!


List Administrator
Hello OA! This project is quite awesome.
Hello OA!
Hi There! Welcome to OA Smile

Thanks for the compliment and please feel free to take part in any conversations that happen to grab your interest. Or feel free to start your own if you'd like.

If you have any questions or concerns, please post em here or in whichever sub-forum they seem like they would fit best in. Or feel free to contact myself or any of the other admins directly.

Hope this helps and once again, Welcome to OA!


List Administrator
So I just signed up because I thought this was a really cool project that was going on here and I wanted to see the community behind it.
Hello, I just signed up because i was reading the EG and I have a ideas for some biotech.
(10-18-2013, 02:20 AM)solpimr Wrote: Hello, I just signed up because i was reading the EG and I have a ideas for some biotech.

Hi there, Welcome to OASmile

I see you've already posted something the list. On my iPad ATM, so limited typing but will post a reply as soon as I can get on a real keyboard, assuming no one beats me to it.

Talk to you soon,

Hello, this is my introduction, as I have not posted here before, and I'm not sure if I ever posted on the mailing lists. I am very much not new to OA, however, I'm new to contributing.

Anyway, I'm planing to write an OA novel during this nanowrimo.
Woo hoo!
Unfortunately my typing skills aren't up to it, or I'd have a go.

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