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Vs debate one homo superior vs X amount of delta force soldier
On a ten kilometer flat grassy plain, On one side, is a Homo Superior trained to Delta force soldier standard and on the other side is enough Delta force soldiers to beat him. How many Delta force does it take. They both got normal body armor, two hand grenades and a M16 and Ranfoss loaded Barret with unlimited reloads for them boyth.
Interesting problem. I should note, however, that we don't generally go in for 'vs' debates here in OA.

Having said that; the Homo Superior (Su) would almost certainly use his training and superior mental processing capability to avoid getting into such a situation in the first place. Even if the Su had reflexes significantly in advance of the humans, eventually he or she (e) would be outclassed by sheer force of numbers. Perhaps the Su would have augmented eyesight and aiming capability, and would be able to target several of eir opponents before they managed to hit em. But given enough opponents the odds are e would be hit eventually.
Maybe if the baseline human soldiers were just standing around smoking, unprepared for attack, the Su could kill a whole squad before they could react. But I don't suppose that is what you mean.
(09-18-2023, 06:33 AM)stevebowers Wrote: Interesting problem. I should note, however, that we don't generally go in for 'vs' debates here in OA.

The Homo Superior (Su)  would almost certainly use his training and superior mental processing capability to avoid getting into such a situation in the first place. Even if the Su had reflexes significantly in advance of the humans, eventually he or she (e) would be outclassed by sheer force of numbers. Perhaps the Su would have augmented eyesight and aiming capability, and would be able to target several of eir opponents before they managed to hit em. But given enough opponents the odds are e would be hit eventually.

Fair enough, I just found the list of Homo Superiors ability listed rather vague, which may of been a wise choice because both between the variety of clades in Orion arm, and how giving exact numbers run into no sense of scale.

I just want to get a idea of how exactly superhuman Homo superiors are, they do not seem much stronger muscle wise with it being noted they are 2-3 times stronger. But the combination of enhanced muitasking, pattern recognition,innate calculation, kinsthetic senses and slearning seems like it may make there minds stronger than there body.

I am just kind of curious, would a Homo superior have what it takes to be a superhuman, how scary would a army of them be. It one of most cohesive human upgrades I seen in fiction that seems both subtle, aka not a mass of nano bots, versatile and physics sound.

Is there any stories that give a good idea of what Homo superior are about.
“bawksrafon” Wrote:I am just kind of curious, would a Homo superior have what it takes to be a superhuman, how scary would a army of them be. It one of most cohesive human upgrades I seen in fiction that seems both subtle, aka not a mass of nano bots, versatile and physics sound.

Is there any stories that give a good idea of what Homo superior are about.

The first point is that superiors might be more capable of figuring out ways to not need an army of themselves in the first place. They might be far better at diplomacy , or at least capable of reaching the level slightly better than the best human diplomats
Secondly, by the time superiors exist, around the time of the technocolypse (as far as I know) killbots and Warbots are well developed enough that those would do much of the fighting anyway so even if the superiors were twice as fast or as strong as a human soldier , they’d still be outclassed by the bots in many ways. But a mixed group of superiors and Warbots would presumably be far superior than a mixed group of humans and bots. I’m not familiar enough to know how much better, exactly.

You can see some dynamics of Warbots and superiors in the story “reclamation” by macgregor

in the creative writing forum - still in development/final editing stages , but as I’ve mentioned in that thread, it could use better examples of homo superior skills being demonstrated. It is very hard to write intelligent characters 2x smarter than you, though
[Image: Gaylien1.png]
So to throw my 2c into the conversation....

(09-18-2023, 06:04 AM)Bawksrafon Wrote: On a ten kilometer flat grassy plain, On one side, is a Homo Superior trained to Delta force soldier standard and on the other side is enough Delta force soldiers to beat him. How many Delta force does it take. They both got normal body armor, two hand grenades and a M16 and Ranfoss loaded Barret with unlimited reloads for them boyth.

This sounds a lot like a YouTube channel I see from time to time that has some individual or group of beings fighting (usually just shooting at) some much larger group of beings, often zombies. While visually interesting to some degree, such a scenario (flat plain with no cover and one side just sitting and shooting and otherwise not moving) isn't very realistic. Even in real life (RL) soldiers would not generally want to be in that kind of environment and would avoid putting themselves into, either on general principles or by digging trenches and earthworks, using air support or tanks or moving into an environment with more cover.

Starting from that, a Superior fighting with guerrilla tactics in a jungle or urban environment would fair much much better than what is described above. For that matter so would the Delta force to some degree - but the greater than human abilities of the Superior would actually have many more chances to come into play and provide em with an advantage, decisive or otherwise. That said, a sufficiently large force of human soldiers could still eventually defeat em whether due to sheer overwhelming numbers or bad luck or the like (ignoring options like nuking the entire area out of existence).

Having said that...

(09-18-2023, 06:42 AM)Bawksrafon Wrote: I just want to get a idea of how exactly superhuman Homo superiors are, they do not seem much stronger muscle wise with it being noted they are 2-3 times stronger. But the combination of enhanced muitasking, pattern recognition,innate calculation, kinsthetic senses and slearning seems like it may make there minds stronger than there body.

I am just kind of curious, would a Homo superior have what it takes to be a superhuman, how scary would a army of them be. It one of most cohesive human upgrades I seen in fiction that seems both subtle, aka not a mass of nano bots, versatile and physics sound.

Raw physical strength - particularly based on biology - isn't particularly useful in OA, including in combat. However, if raw physical strength is desired, then I would direct your attention to the devices known as Ultimate Muscles.

In terms of combat and armies - biological beings (Superior or otherwise) almost never engage in such things unless they are augmented to levels far beyond that of a Superior (anything at the level of us humans is so utterly outclassed that in most cases they are dead before they have time to realize anything is happening). Nearly all 'serious' fighting is fully automated, using combat bots or related systems.

Some rules of thumb when considering OA combat bots:

a) If you can see one it has already detected and targeted you - often while you were still kilometers away. But most definitely the commonly depicted tactic of a soldier/character rapidly glancing around a corner or tree and then hiding before anyone sees them will not work with a combat bot. It will detect the person instantly and target them - shooting right through whatever they are hiding behind if needed. Or just shooting them dead in the moment their head is sticking out.

b) Combat bots do not clump along like the Terminator or Cylon centurions. They parkour around at superhuman speed (bouncing off wall, floors, and ceilings with ease), sometimes faster than the human eye can follow, see in all directions at once while doing so, and shooting in multiple different directions all at once while doing so. They are often equipped with various forms of camouflage that render them virtually invisible to the human eye.

c) Combat bots almost never miss no matter what they are doing. They are perfectly capable of hitting dozens of human targets per second (or sometimes many more in the larger units) even if those targets are trying to run/dodge. Because humans are functionally moving barely at all as far as a combat bot is concerned.

d) Combat bots do not feel fear, mercy, compassion, or pity. They will do whatever is necessary to accomplish their goals unless their creators deliberately limit their behavior. This includes engaging in kamikaze behavior if they determine that such is necessary to complete their mission/goals.

(09-18-2023, 06:42 AM)Bawksrafon Wrote: Is there any stories that give a good idea of what Homo superior are about.

I don't think we have any stories in which a main character is described as a Superior and then shown doing 'superior' things or experiencing life as such. However, we do have some stories in which a main character is augmented to one degree or another and one set where the main characters are heavily augmented soldiers. You might find those interesting and they might help you get a feel for the 'lived experience' of being a person in the OA setting, Superior or otherwise. The stories in question (in my humble opinion) are:

Augmented People Living Their Lives:

The 10K Travel Logs of the Deeper Covenant

A Day in the Life of a Bureaucrat

The Single Stage of Grief

In the Garden on Eden

Assorted Snapshots

Augmented People - Soldiers:

Dragon's Teeth

Infanticide Version 1 and Version 2

Vagabond (Unfinished Serial)

Hope this helps,

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