The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

OA Virgins Unite.

Just got my tie and the secret handshake, how about you?

Starting this thread for newbies like me who would like to connect and exchange some preliminary ideas so we can work out just how much we don't know and how best to blend and bounce of each other.

My real name is Adam (35, Male, Brisbane, Australia) but you can all refer to me as Mus as most everyone has done since I was 16.

21 years a Games master (I prefer DM), 30 years a player but my passion is invention, innovation and expansion of the "What if..." with a good solid scientific rational. I have tried many times to start writing and while my ideas bubble like an over filled fryer on the stove of life (to quote Terry Pratchett), maintaining focus to completion appears to be anathema to me.

Help me bring my ideas to life and I will do the same for you, I am the worst for aborting some great concepts in utero because I lack the next step or I'm confronted with a logical inconsistency that I cannot overcome on my own.

End Communique
Big Grin
Version: 3.1
GB$/MU/PA/TW$/IT$/CW/WB OA+>+++ >H+++ M++ P B+ S+ D Sp+++
SF++ d++ s-:- a C++ L+>+++ W+++ N+++ K+ W++>--- M-- t+
R+(+++) b++++ DI+++ G+ e+ h---- r+++ z++++
Hi there, Welcome to OASmile

I'm not a newbie but just wanted to take a moment to say "Hi' and welcome you to the project. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask. Otherwise, please feel free to take part in any conversations that happen to grab your interest.

Once again, Welcome to OA!

(03-03-2015, 12:05 PM)CptnMus Wrote: Salutations,

21 years a Games master (I prefer DM), 30 years a player but my passion is invention, innovation and expansion of the "What if..." with a good solid scientific rational.


Well then, you might want to look in on our somewhat neglected RPG games thread, then. Hoping you might find something in there you'd like to comment on, or expand on. Which games do you play, then?
(03-15-2015, 02:43 PM)Matterplay1 Wrote:
(03-03-2015, 12:05 PM)CptnMus Wrote: Salutations,

21 years a Games master (I prefer DM), 30 years a player but my passion is invention, innovation and expansion of the "What if..." with a good solid scientific rational.


Well then, you might want to look in on our somewhat neglected RPG games thread, then. Hoping you might find something in there you'd like to comment on, or expand on. Which games do you play, then?

Sorry I just saw your reply Stephen, I have been lurking a lot in the fiction area building up a good feel for what makes an engaging scenario (love the lady of pain concept in "Yes Jonah, there is a hell").

Most of my experience stems from classic D&D, then 2nd Ed (Spelljammer was the bomb in it's day), finally began experimenting with more modern themes in various white wolf settings. Over the last 5 years I have basically tailored games on the fly, using the rudiments at the core of any game system (define physical structure, define social structure, define economic structure) bring together creative minds add Narrativium and let stew in it's own juices.

Trust me once I feel I have a worth while engaging story-arc to throw in there I will be starting up a chat based game. I love the concept of a living, breathing plot line that is contributed to by all protagonists, I hate lazy gaming where people want to be told how everything works and spend their time rolling dice and playing the statistics.
Version: 3.1
GB$/MU/PA/TW$/IT$/CW/WB OA+>+++ >H+++ M++ P B+ S+ D Sp+++
SF++ d++ s-:- a C++ L+>+++ W+++ N+++ K+ W++>--- M-- t+
R+(+++) b++++ DI+++ G+ e+ h---- r+++ z++++

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