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HELLO FROM an AI ENGINEER & HUGE FAN + (long time lurker) - Printable Version

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HELLO FROM an AI ENGINEER & HUGE FAN + (long time lurker) - arabesquereveriex - 01-10-2025


I've been a reader of OAUP for almost 4 years. I personally work in the field of AI, and I love what we're doing here!
The future needs more optimism. And although we run the risk of peversions and blights, we also risk losing all the beautiful things that the future holds. Things that we write here. 

Here's my book list I draw inspo from. 
Definetly DM/PM me about it!

I've read every book in this series :
  • Old Man's War : John Scalzi 
  • Foundation Series : Asimov
  • I Robot : "" 
  • Ringworld : Niven 
  • Hyperion : Simmons
  • Red, Green, Blue Mars : K.S.Robinson

    And most of these : 
  • Rendevous with Rama : Clarke
  • The Culture : Iain Banks
  • Brainwave : Anderson 
  • Stories of Your Life (Arrival) : Ted Chiang
  • Blindsight + Echoparaxia : Peter Watts 
  • Do Andriods Dream : PKD 
  • Dune : Herbert
  • the Xeelee : Baxter 
  • Beszerker : Saberhagen
  • the Expanse : James Corey
  • 451, the Veldt, etc : Bradbury
  • Sun of Suns : Karl Schroeder

RE: HELLO FROM an AI ENGINEER & HUGE FAN + (long time lurker) - Worldtree - 01-10-2025


Yes you’re in good company with that book list Big Grin
Those are certainly popular in these social circles

I’ve been reading and writing and drawing in OA since 2010-ish

RE: HELLO FROM an AI ENGINEER & HUGE FAN + (long time lurker) - Drashner1 - 01-10-2025

Welcome to OA!

Agreed, you are in good company with that reading list. Smile

In that vein, if you haven't read them already, you might enjoy The Quantum Thief trilogy and A Fire Upon the Deep. The latter has directly inspired some elements of OA and the former feels very 'OA-esque' in various ways and even goes into some places we don't.

I've been a member of OA since around 2001 or so.

Feel free to ask any questions you might have, join any discussions that grab your interest, or start new ones if there's something you'd like to talk about that we aren't currently.

Hope this helps and again - Welcome to OA!! Big Grin


RE: HELLO FROM an AI ENGINEER & HUGE FAN + (long time lurker) - MiyuwiAuthor - 01-11-2025

Hello, welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy your time here ^.^