Hollerith Anomaly Object

Anomaly Object in the Chronos Cluster

Hollerith Anomaly*
Image from Keith Wigdor and Midjourney AI

An Anomaly Object, this semi-sentient nebula is inhabited by slow-moving nanotech entities apparently left behind by an unknown advanced alien race. The race, colloquially known as the Hollerithians, appear to have transcended fairly completely at some point in the last three to five million years (estimate based on the spread due to galactic rotation.) Because of the self-assembling element recycling nature of the nanecology, a more accurate dating is virtually impossible.

The Hollerithians left behind a volume where energy apparently discharges from temporary quantum wormholes and the Hollerith sub-entities themselves. The Hamilton and Eden institutes have each sent an expedition, and the Daharrans put some religious significance on it, but it is so far away from real civilisation that it has not been studied with the attention it deserves.

This anomaly is probably associated with the relatively nearby Tesla Anomaly, another artificial nebula. The Hollerith Anomaly emits pulses of positrons at infrequent intervals, and at the same time the Tesla Anomaly emits pulses of electrons, although there are no identifiable physical or technological links between the two phenomena. One hypothesis is that the two objects are linked by waves of entanglement, analogous to gravitational waves, but this has not been confirmed, and the mechanism that allows this communication is not clear.

The Tesla Anomaly in the Chronos Cluster

Tesla anomaly
Image from Steve Bowers
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Development Notes
Text by HÃ¥kan Andersson
Initially published on 23 September 2000.
