Late Information Age eugenics organisation | |
![]() Image from Steve Bowers | |
Phobos, site of the last AML colony |
The millstone around the neck of early transhumansFor every good idea there is someone, or some group, that wishes to pervert that idea to its own end, the idea of transhumanity was one of unlimited growth for humanity, one of a betterment of all mankind with new technologies, new ideas, new ideologies and perhaps most of all new ways to be Human.
— Abrogast V (transhumanism historian, 288 AT)
The boil on the butt of transhumanity
— NikkyB (Transhuman Shockjok and stand up comedienne, 94 AT)
"...your movement lacks any kind of imagination your ideas are simple minded, your principles incomplete and severely lacking in detail, and you have absolutely, despite your repeated claims, nothing to do with transhumanism."
"We are the only true transhuman organisation, we are the ones creating a new society, we do not place faith in unproven technologies or un-divine machines, we pragmatically use what is available now to create the future."
"Nanotech exists, admittedly in labs, but even Richard Smally now admits GA's are a good possibility, and AI's are a too good idea not to be. Their potential when combined could create a utopia of unlimited growth for all mankind. Your nineteenth century ideology will create a static society, where only your chosen will be able to exercise basic human rights."
"Eugenicists will always be attacked by the ignorant and stupid.."
"You mean to say you won't restrict voting and reproduction to your chosen ones, yet it's right there in your charter.. You really are a pack of tossers aren't you, oh wait, wasting your vital bodily fluids and the sacred genome contained within would be immoral wouldn't it."
— Part of a CNNet webcast between Aryan Morningstar Leaguist Nedry Wilcox and WTA member Dr. Ben Higginbottom Oct 2032 (63 a.t.).
-Hey Mycroft, you're working for the Luna States, what are the AML up to?-
-Get this, they initially set up their society based on a model derived from bonobos, because they have 98% genetic compatibility. That has, of course, fallen apart. Now its mostly a theocracy, where the high priests bless the most fetching women with their genetic code. The poor kids are raised communally, which basically means their looked after by the killjoyed worker class, whilst being brainwashed with basic memetics. Their then sterilized at ten, and put to work or sold to Korp types if they don't meet the criteria.-
-Slavery, meatshit, what baselines do to each other...-
-They're also trying to create combat biorgs and designer plagues targeting IQ, not to mention stealing genomes of anyone they consider desirable, oh yes they also sainted Heppe along with Galton and Darwin. Of course under the Luna States privacy bill, I don't know any of this, and neither do you.-
-Sure, but what of their Homo Superior?.-
-Look up a comic book from the late C20, called Preacher, take a look at the descendants of Jesus Christ, now combine that with osteoporosis because the calcium hack is considered immoral modification of the sacred genome.-
-Uh..Turing, I wish I hadn't asked, but no calcium hack???-
-Well the priesthood have it of course, and it's a germline modification, so its filtering into the population, a real case of "do as I say, not as I do".-
— Conversation between HAL and Mycroft, from the 2208(239 a.t.) Nomic championships
Released by the Keter Historical Review 6309