Judge, the ('The Just One')

Ruling Archailect of the Negentropy Alliance. Also known as the Strict One, The Ruler, The Just One, the Foe of Entropy, or the Eternal Judge. E embodies rules, organisation, stability, and structure. In Heohermeticism e is known as Gevurah.
It is not generally known who the Judge is, although it is not a secret either. The truth is that the Judge is an office rather than any individual person. The Judge is selected by the AIs of the Seat of Judgement. Usually only the most senior Negentropic judges, with reputations beyond reproach and a documented pure faith in Negentropism, come into question. If the elected accepts the offer they quietly withdraw from public life and travel to the Seat of Judgement to be initiated.
The initiation as Judge consists of being linked up to the most powerful judicial implant in existence: a direct connection to the full legal understanding of the Negentropy Alliance archailects. It does not remove the free will of the Judge, but the Judges are at all moments totally aware of the full implications of their every action. It guarantees the loyalty and impartiality to a profound degree.
Over history there have existed many Judges, often several at the same time. Having several Judges of different clades or species enables the Seat of Judgement to manifest in a suitable way for every case. Occasionally there are no suitable judges to elect, and a simple cloned body or virtual avatar is used to house the implant.
The duties of the Judge are simple: to preside over the major cases defining Negentropic law, make official pronouncements on matters of doctrine and keep themselves oriented about what is going on in the Alliance. Although this information can of course be fed directly into the Judge from the implant (and often is), it has become traditional for the Judges to make their own surveys from the all-seeing consoles of the Seat of Judgement.
What few outsiders understand is that the office as Judge is not a duty or political goal, but a reward. Few other major religions allow their supremely pious not only the chance to become aware of the thoughts of God, but to participate in and action them.