Organism in which the genetic material (RNA, DNA or another analogue) is separated from the rest of the cell in a nucleus. Terragen eukaryotes are members of a taxonomic domain which is separate from Prokaryotes, organisms which do not have a separate nucleus. Analogues of Terragen eukaryotes are widespread on life-bearing worlds, although the characteristics of alien eukayrote analogs are often quite different. Usually the cells contain a range of specialised organelles, and other substructures.

Terragen examples include protista, fungi, and multicellular plants and animals (metazoa). Unlike prokaryotes, eukaryotes are rare and require special environmental conditions. Very often (although there are some xenobiont exceptions) eukaryotes require the high octane boost of oxygen or other strongly reactive elements to function, in contrast to the simple prokaryotes which can make do in almost any environment. On Earth oxygen produced through blue-green algae enabled the eukaryote cell to evolve. However, eukaryote-like cells have the capacity to develop into higher and more complex life-forms, including (very rarely) intelligent life.
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Initially published on 24 October 2001.
