Galactocentric Astrology
Form of astrology centered on the Galactic disc rather than the Earth or sun's position. Those who acknowledge astrology soon realised that the old Ptolemaic theory no longer held. In fact this was known by the Lunar, Martian, and Orbital astrologers of the interplanetary age, each of which came up with basically similar versions - essentially relativistic Ptolemaism - wherever you were born, that is "Earth" (the center of the horoscope wheel.). There were also those like the Heliocentrist School
of James Arberry Atlantis Orbital and others, who say that that whole way of thinking is outmoded, and that astrology must shift from the old pre-space age to the new "cosmic" perspective.

During the early First Federation Lisa Descartes Greenfield of Chadey habitat, Vesta, took this further and, building on Arberry's work, formulated a Galactocentric Astrology where the influences of nearby celestial bodies are accounted for. The horoscope is in principle determined by all objects in the universe but only those exerting more than a certain "spiritogravity pull" dependent on distance, size and type are counted, the rest are modelled using a mean field approximation (producing general influences corresponding to constellations).

A further development was relativistic astrology (both special and general, the first dealing with fast travel and the relativity of time measures, the later taking the spirit transference effects of wormholes into account). The meaning of different bodies are discovered using various investigative protocols, whose exact interpretation and results have been the main source for school formation and debate in galactocentric astrology.
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Anders Sandberg
Initially published on 01 November 2001.
