Advaita Vedanta

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Popular monistic acosmic non-dualist mystical philosophy of Old Earth Hinduism. One of the principal Vedantic schools, Advaita was promulgated and taught by the sages Gaudapada and, two generations later, Shankara (7th/8th century c.e. India, Old Earth).

Advaita asserts the existence of Brahman alone, whose appearance as the world is misperception (maya) resulting from metaphysical ignorance (avidya). Upon attaining liberation one realizes that the inner self is the same as God/Godhead.


Advaita exerted a tremendous philosophical and cultural influence on Indian society throughout the medieval and colonial period. During the late Atomic Age and throughout the Information Age, watered-down Advaitin-based philosophies, religions, and guru-based sects were very popular in the rest of the world. These were mostly incorporated into Nuage and other syncretic religions.

The ascent of major Indian conglomerates such as Hindustan Astronautics coincided with India's emergence as a superpower in the middle to late Information Age. Additionally, the proliferation of technologically advanced Hindu ethnic groups in space during the early Interplanetary period contributed to the resurgence of Advaita philosophy. This revival was noteworthy because it was embraced as a source of cultural pride by many, including individuals with limited knowledge or appreciation of Advaita.

In the later stages of the Interplanetary Period and the early Solsys Golden Age, there was a shift towards the predominance of Cosmism, Sophism, and Nuagism. During this time, the influence of Advaita philosophy began to wane, although it still held sway among the traditional ethnic groups in the Sol System, even as late as the early Age of Establishment. After this date there are no records of any believer in ancient forms of Advaita.

Current era

Modern variants of advaita and mahayana continue to exert a subtle influence on certain aspects of Sophic memetics and religion.

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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Initially published on 31 December 2001.
